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To say “I’m sorry this is so late” might be overplaying my importance, but the apology still stands. Upon arriving back to The States, I caught some bug (take your pick) and was laid out for nearly three weeks. Add to that a few other things—namely being a bit creatively uninspired here in Oklahoma (I think mainly it’s a mix of being lazy + the fact that I’ve documented Tulsa ad nauseam over the past few years; but maybe it’s more than that) —and thus, this issue took ages to complete. But when I’m not doing something, making something, I get into a bit of a funk, so that’s where I’ve been. I say that not to set a sad tone here, but you all have allowed me to be honest about everything else, so that’s where we’re at. Stuff like this is a lot easier to write about when I don’t run the risk of running into you on the street. January Blues, we’ll call it.




There was a lot that went on since we finished the bike trip and spent a month exploring the absolutely fantastic country of Japan, so let’s get into it—photos from Osaka, Hakone and Tokyo, a little video compilation of the changing colors, another video of the nightmare-inducing alien overload spaceship disguised as a temple, why no self-respecting Japanese would be seen without a bucket of fried chicken for the (very romantic) holiday of Christmas Day, a 2023: In Review (quite a bit went on, actually) and why I’ve gone back to school for a change in career. 


Plus more. 

So let’s head back to Japan!


Cool, right? 


I’m excited to return in the spring, as the only real drawback of this past trip was camping in the cold + lack of daytime cycling hours.


Per donations, I’m in a weird place with that—thus the move for a new career—and this whole trying to support myself through things like this, Turkish Towels, etc is played out. Can I use some help? Absolutely. But writing that every month doesn’t feel right. So if you can help keep this going, then great, but am hoping to get to a point within a year where this is simply bonus bucks—a nice hotel room or new shoes or something. 


But maybe that’s all I have to say about that. 


Anyway—I’ve got classes to get to, and fellow students half my age to compete against. How do you do, fellow kids? Is Microsoft Paint still a thing? 




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copyrights 2023 - Aric S. Queen

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