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Back-Ish To School

I’m hoping it’s going to be one of those why-did-I-wait-so-long kind of things, but I don’t know. Much like writing, photography, little videos, etc, graphic design might not even be a thing one can get paid for any more. But it’s all I could think of. Not all I could think of, I should say. But mostly what I've been thinking of. What I’ve also been thinking for a while is how exhausting it is trying to raise money each month. My privilege, height and hair follicle count aside, it just never felt like the right thing to do. But I also had to do two things: Eat. And travel. That might sound silly to you, but these are the two things I need. I can go without shelter, showering, new shoes or even wine. But not food or travel. I mentioned in the introduction of this issue how I’ve recently found myself in a bit of a funk, and I think a large reason is that I haven’t been creating anything for a month. I’m not saying my shit is shit-hot. In fact, it has so little to do with how it’s viewed, accepted or judged. It’s just about creating. Telling stories. From the road. So when I stop—creating and being in a place where I’m creatively stimulated, aka the road, I get the blues. But I couldn’t go on with my hat in hand any longer. So what to do? I’m 47. No high school diploma. Couldn’t tell you what the inside of a university looks like. Arrogant from that 3-year run of some big named employers, but nothing much to show for the past few years. Not being down on myself here. Personally, yeah, of course, a bunch of stuff has been seen, experienced, documented. But professionally? Not really. A part-time Creative Director for a friend’s company doesn’t really count. Maybe it does a little. Oh, I don’t know. What I do know is I reached a point where a change was needed. I had to find a way to make honest money… but what? It took me ages to figure that out. I can’t be in an office. I can’t do anything boring. I have to do something I like. And that last one is key—the older you get, the more you realize that if more people said “That doesn’t sound enjoyable and I don’t want to do it”, the less liquor sales would peak. So what to do? If I had my druthers (did I spell that right?) I'd be an architect. Nothing brings me more joy than buildings and design of buildings and talking about buildings and thinking about buildings and looking at buildings. But that’s not exactly something I can get in a few months with Masterclass. So I thought some more and came to realize that I love design. I’m not any good at it. I've never taken Photoshop or InDesign or any class on the matter, but I love it. I love design and fonts and graphics and images. It’s right up there with architecture that I look forward to in a new town. And despite nepotism playing a large role at the aforementioned gig with BRLO, I did see enough design jobs come across my desk to at least think I could hold my own after a while. So I spent my Christmas money on an online introduction to design and that’s what I’ve been doing. Am only a week or so into it, but have the books and bought an expensive Apple mouse and a few other books for inspiration and off I go. The thought of being able to design stuff while constantly being inspired by the new stuff I'm seeing is exciting—which means it should be and can be done from the road.

And while I’m not confident I’m going to be amazing at it, I’m confident that this feels like what I should do. 

So off we go.

A 47-year old with a white beard is dusting off his Trapper Keeper and gonna try something new.

Wish me luck.

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