And so ends our adventure in South Korea.
From the wacky trip up to the North Korean DMZ line, all the way to the bottom of Jeju, with the gorgeous 4 Rivers Bicycle Trail in between—taking us from nearly as far to the top as you can go, to the absolute bottom.
Along the way, we digested insane amount off of ssamjang, had out first face-to-face encounter with Tadao Ando (of whom we’re absolutely going to get to know in the next chapter), and really had a chance to get to know the bike + tent + far-too-much-gear combination, that will soon take us through an even bigger adventure.
It also provided time to start branching out with these issues—featuring a City Guide to Paris (Istanbul is next), along with a story that took me three+ years to write (or, at least to find an ending, which happened one strange evening in Ireland), dealing with the now-12 unsolved brutal murders of tourists on an otherwise picturesque tropical island.
Let’s get into it!
And there you go! A whole lotta Korea—North, South and the strange in-between.
By the time you read this, we’ll be well on our way (hopefully) from Northern Japan (hopefully) chasing the autumn colors south, but I’ll save all of that excitement for the next issue.
copyrights 2023 - Aric S. Queen