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Recipe: Dahi Vada

Look, I’ve been a few places.

And I’ve eaten a few things.

To the point now where there’s not a lot that surprises me.

I don’t say that to be insufferable, simply to say I’ve had, or at least heard of, quite a bit.

A stodgy donut with mango chutney and curd, topped with a cilantro chili purée wasn’t one of them.

That is, until about a week ago, when my landlord served it with my meal.

I thought it looked interesting, so started to tuck in.

Wait, she said.

For after, she said.

This was a dessert?


And how.

I’d never had anything like it, and begged her for it with every meal, to which she kindly agreed.

And on the final day, gave me the recipe.

So let’s get you into some Dahi Vada.


To make it easy on yourself, you can just use cake donuts. To make it kind of authentic, you can buy them online. To make it really authentic, you’ll need to make your own bhalle, of which this recipe seems to be the easiest.

Mango Chutney

TBH, I’d buy this online as well to start and see if you like it. Proper chutney needs to be jarred and stored for _ months, so maybe hold off on that until you try the easy route.


Yogurt will work just fine for a first-timer. Then you can spend more on proper curd (or make your own).

Cilantro (or Mint) + Chili Purée (aka “Zhug”)

This is the one you should make by yourself, as it’s super simple.

  • Handful of Cilantro or Mint

  • Your choice of chilis, although green seem to work best for aesthetics

  • Oil

… and just throw them all in a blender. Season to taste, just remember you don’t want it too salty. Let the flavors do the talking, etc.

And then, simply top the donut with curd, chutney and zhug.

Then top with fennel and/or cardamom.

Then eat.

Then be so happy.

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